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Carer held health record

Bookshop product- 978 1 905664 53 5 - Elaine Greaves, Gill Appolinari and Carol Watson

The Carer held health record is designed to be kept confidentially by the adults caring for a looked after child and, most importantly, to accompany a child when he or she moves on to another placement or returns home.

Complying with the GDPR and DPA 2018 - Appendices

Bookshop product- n/a - Paul Adams and Leonie Jordan

The Good Practice Guide Complying with the GDPR and DPA 2018 contains appendices including a range of privacy notices, information for children and a job description for a Data Protection Officer. These can be purchased as electronic Word documents for unlimited future use. Please note that you only need to buy ONE set for use across the agency.

Matching a child in an early permanence placement: the importance of identity

Bookshop product- 978 1 910039 76 2 - John Simmonds

The matching of a child’s ethnicity, culture, religion and language with those of their prospective adopters has been a longstanding and challenging set of policy and practice questions. This discussion paper addresses this challenge by focusing on 16 key messages, inviting the reader to reflect on the importance of the development of a child’s identity over time and then into adulthood. 

Parenting Matters: Parenting a child with toileting issues

Bookshop product- 978 1 910039 80 9 - Kathryn Fenton with Ellie Johnson

This book is part of CoramBAAF’s Parenting Matters series which explores many of the health conditions commonly diagnosed in looked after children. This title provides authoritative, clinical guidance for carers and adopters on why toileting issues can occur and what can be done about it.

Effective fostering panels

Bookshop product- 978 1 910039 79 3 - Sarah Borthwick and Jenifer Lord

2019 EDITION What are the roles and responsibilities of fostering panel members? What regulations and standards determine the functioning of a fostering panel? How can panels implement best practice to improve their work and make better placements? Effective fostering panels answers these and many other questions.

Effective fostering panels - appendices

Bookshop product- n/a - Sarah Borthwick and Jenifer Lord

Job descriptions, review forms, decision-making tools and checklists to help you administer the panel process.