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Adoption conversations

Bookshop product- 978 1 905664 35 1 - Renée Wolfs

This in-depth practical guide, written by an adoptive parent for adoptive parents, explores the questions adopted children are likely to ask, with suggestions for helpful explanations and answers. Looking at different age groups in turn, the author provides a wealth of suggestions for possible dialogue with adopted children and age-appropriate answers to common questions and fears.

Adoption now

Bookshop product- 978 1 907585 88 3 - Fergus Smith, Roy Stewart and Alexandra Conroy Harris

This handy guide presents the law, regulations, standards and guidance relating to adoption today, covering all stages of the process and related information – in easily digested bite-sized chunks.

Adoption undone

Bookshop product- 979 1 905664 24 5 - Karen Carr

Published as part of the Our Story series, this is the true story of an adoption and an adoption breakdown, bravely told by the adoptive mother. From the final court hearing, when Lucy returned to local authority care, Karen Carr looks back over the four years that Lucy was with them and, without apportioning blame, describes what went wrong and why.

Adoption: what it is and what it means

Bookshop product- 978 1 907585 54 8 - Shaila Shah

This short, colourful booklet is part of CoramBAAF’s series of publications for children and young people, which aim to explain concepts in adoption and fostering that they may find difficult to understand.

Adversity, adoption and afterwards

Bookshop product- 978 1 907585 64 7 - Julia Feast, Margaret Grant, Alan Rushton, John Simmonds and Carolyn Sampeys

This unique study explores the long-term outcomes for a group of girls, now women in middle age, adopted from orphanages in Hong Kong, by families in the UK. The study offers a rare opportunity to explore the impact of adverse early experience, modified by adoption in creating opportunities and risks, over 50 years.

Nutmeg - the full collection

Bookshop product-- Judith Foxon

The popular Nutmeg children’s book series tells the story of a little squirrel, and his younger sister and brother.

Undertaking a connected person/family and friends assessment

Bookshop product- 978 1 910039 91 5 - Paul Adams

NEW EDITION This guide is designed to help social workers to complete a comprehensive, evidence-based assessment of connected people / family and friends who wish to foster or be special guardians to a known child or children.