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Practice Note 68. Reducing the risks of environmental tobacco smoke for looked after children and their carers

Bookshop product- N/A - Mary Mather and Karen Lehner, revised and updated by Ellie Johnson

This Practice Note updates previous CoramBAAF guidance in the light of changing scientific information and the improved understanding of the effects on health of exposure to passive or second-hand smoke from cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco. This guidance also considers the use of electronic cigarettes/vaping devices by substitute carers.

Being a foster family: what it means and how it feels

Bookshop product- 978 1 907585 40 1 - Hedi Argent

This short, colourful booklet is part of CoramBAAF’s series of publications for children and young people, which aim to explain concepts in adoption and fostering that they may find difficult to understand.

The adopter's handbook on education

Bookshop product- 978 1 910039 70 0 - Eileen Fursland

This is a must-read book for any parent seeking to support their adopted child through school. It contains information advice and ideas on: choosing and starting a new school; working with a child's school and teachers; financial and other support available for previously looked after children; and rights, special needs support, exclusion and alternative provision.

Beyond the adoption order

Bookshop product- 978 1 910039 23 6 - Julie Selwyn, Sarah Meakings and Dinitha Wijedasa

For a minority of families, the adoption journey can be fraught with difficulty and, in some cases, results in the child moving out of their adoptive home prematurely. For many years, the rate of adoption disruption has been subject to significant speculation. Finally, this ground-breaking research provides authoritative information on how many adoptions disrupt, and why.

Practice Note 69. Assessing and supporting transgender foster carers and adopters

Bookshop product- N/A - Claire Brown, Charlotte Andrew and Paul Adams

This Practice Note has been written to assist practitioners who are assessing transgender applicants in the UK who wish to foster or adopt, and to help fostering services and adoption agencies to work in a way that encourages and values applications from this group of people.

Supporting the mental health of looked after and adopted children

Bookshop product- 978 1 910039 71 7 - Karen Aldred and Helen Rodwell

This Good Practice Guide for social workers translates the theoretical concepts and research about children’s mental health into straightforward language and practical advice. Taking a holistic and attachment-focused approach, it demonstrates how to understand children’s background and current events, rather than focusing on diagnostic criteria and labels.

The Emotional Well-being of Young People Seeking Asylum in the UK eBook only

Bookshop product- 9781905664504 - Abigail Knight, Elaine Chase, and June Statham

This ground-breaking report presents findings from an in-depth study of the perspectives and experiences of children and young people arriving unaccompanied to seek asylum in the UK. Based on conversations with 54 young people from 18 countries, this study reveals young people's experiences of their journeys, arriving in the UK, being in care, and a range of health, education, social care and immigration services. This is essential reading for anyone seeing to understand and support this vulnerable group.

Care or control?

Bookshop product- 978 1 905664 06 1 - Jo Lipscombe

Since the early 1990s, the number of children and young people remanded to custody has more than doubled and continues to increase. This timely study explores the use of foster care as an alternative to custodial and residential accommodation for young people on remand.