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Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Bookshop product- ISBN 978 1 910039 40 3 - Multiple

In this special edition of the journal, experts tackle the realities of FASD and answer key questions, including: how does prenatal exposure to alcohol affect the developing brain?; how much (or little) is the problem understood by professional groups?; what are the experiences of community paediatricians, teachers and adoptive parents working on the ground?; and why does UK policy on abstinence from alcohol in pregnancy lag so far behind that of other countries?

Education - Adoption & Fostering special edition

Bookshop product-- Multiple

This special issue of the journal is guest edited by Sonia Jackson, editor of Nobody Ever Told Us School Mattered(BAAF, 2001) and a leading researcher and writer in the field. It focuses on the education of looked-after children and how and where they are supported or – more often – failed by “the system”. It features articles from England, Scotland and Australia. Themes include: the role of social pedagogy in foster care; education and self-reliance among care leavers; the work of Our Place, a special centre promoting the educational achievement of looked after and adopted children; and the views of adoptive parents.

As if I was a real boy eBook only

Bookshop product- 978 1 907585 24 1 - Gordon and Jeannie Mackenzie

When Jeannie adopted Gordon, their new family would not be without its problems. Gordon was 10 years old, and had been living in a psychiatric hospital for three years, with undiagnosed mental health issues. Jeannie was adopting as a single parent, with all the challenges this can bring. In this moving account, published as part of the Our Story series, mother and son look back on how the adoption came to be, and how both their lives were changed for the better.

Attachment for foster care and adoption

Bookshop product- 978 1 903699 98 3 - Mary Beek and Gillian Schofield

This training programme will provide workers and carers with a framework both for understanding the thinking and behaviour of the children in their care and for helping children to settle and flourish in their family placements. It accompanies the handbook and DVD of the same name.

Attachment for foster care and adoption DVD

Bookshop product-- Mary Beek and Gillian Schofield

This DVD accompanies the handbook and training programme of the same name, and supports each module in the training programme. The programme will provide workers and carers with a framework both for understanding the thinking and behaviour of the children in their care and for helping children to settle and flourish in their family placements.  

Attachment, trauma and resilience

Bookshop product- 978 1 910039 35 9 - Kate Cairns and Brian Cairns

Over a 25-year period Kate and Brian Cairns, who are social workers and trainers by profession, fostered 12 children, along with their three birth children. In this practical and moving book, they draw on their rich personal and professional experience to offer an insight into the realities of family life with children who have experienced attachment difficulties, loss, abuse and trauma.