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The banana kid

Bookshop product- 978 1 905664 37 5 - Valerie Mason-John

This is a frank and revealing memoir of the author's childhood and adolescence, alternately living in the Dr Barnardo's Village in Essex, with her mother in a London high-rise, and in a string of juvenile and detention centres. This is an important story powerfully told about growing up black, female and in care. It has much to say about the perils of childhood and how we raise children in today’s society.

Placing large sibling groups for adoption

Bookshop product- 978 1 907585 79 1 - Hilary Saunders, Julie Selwyn and Eileen Fursland

The importance of maintaining sibling relationships is widely recognised, but it is not always easy to find families willing and able to adopt sibling groups. This Good Practice Guide examines how adoption agency staff and children’s social workers handle the adoption process for large sibling groups, with an emphasis on practices and policies which may help or hinder prospective sibling group adopters and the children they wish to adopt.

Policy and practice implications from the English and Romanian Adoptees (ERA) Study

Bookshop product- 978 1 905664 75 7 - Michael Rutter, Celia Beckett, Jennifer Castle, Jana Kreppner, Suzanne Stevens and Edmund Sonuga-Barke

The English Romanian Adoptees (ERA) study is a remarkable exploration of the experiences of children whose early lives in Romanian institutions were unimaginably poor and who were then adopted into English families with all the material, emotional and social advantages that this brings. This publication summarises the policy and practice implications of this internationally known study.

Testing the limits of foster care

Bookshop product- 978 1 903699 18 8 - Moira Walker, Malcolm Hill and John Triseliotis

This study looks at a pioneering scheme - the Community Alternative Placement Scheme (CAPS) - set up by NCH Action for Children in Scotland to offer fostering placements for young people whose behaviour would place them beyond the limits of ‘normal’ foster care and who might otherwise be placed in secure care. The revealing findings are invaluable for foster care practitioners and managers.

The bears

Bookshop product- 1 8756507 9 2 - Russell Deal

The bears is a delightfully simple tool that can help build conversations about feelings in countless ways. The 48 colourful, cartoon bears depicted on the cards have universal appeal. Their facial expressions and body language convey a range of feelings. As there are no words on the cards they are extremely accessible to young children and those with literacy or language difficulties. As a tool The bears cards cross cultural, language, literacy, racial, age and gender barriers.

Strength cards for kids

Bookshop product- 978 1 920945 381 - Russell Deal

This clever, yet simple card set is designed specifically to help primary school aged children to identify, name and celebrate their inherent strengths, qualities and abilities. Each of the 40 hardwearing, laminated, full colour cards use vibrant illustration and gentle humour to express a particular strength.

Strength cards

Bookshop product- N/A - Russell Deal

Often the most powerful way to solve a problem is to start with what we already do well, and everyone needs these reminders. These cards are ideal for recognising inner strengths, building values and developing self-esteem. They can help children, young people and families to use their strengths at times of change, conflict, worry or stress.