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Update on the Independent Review at CoramBAAF Members' Day

News and updates-15 Oct 2021 - 09:21

Josh MacAlister, the Chair of the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care, gave a keynote speech talking about his experiences so far, the timescales of the review and what the review will be doing during the autumn and winter following the publication of the Case for Change in July.

Objects as doorways into depth


Dr Louise Sims, CoramBAAF's Kinship Care and Fostering consultant looks at how the virtual exhibition 'Social Work in 40 Objects' and initiatives such as 'Kitbag' are using objects to develop understanding and enhance emotional literacy.

Response to the President's review of transparency in family courts

News and updates-15 Nov 2021 - 14:19

The President of the Family Court, Sir Andrew McFarlane, recently published his long awaited review of transparency in the family court. We were pleased to see the clear priority of the privacy and safeguarding needs of children in both published judgments and in any reporting of proceedings and have issued a joint response with the National Youth Advocacy Service.