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Effective supervision and reflective practice for Supervising Social Workers


This course explores how good quality, challenging supervision can contribute to a high quality of care provided by foster and kinship carers and to establishing and maintaining effective working relationships. We will explore the at times conflicting role of the supervising social worker, who needs to balance providing support with the need to at times have difficult conversations too.

Past event

Learning from Research Webinar: Watch Me Play!


The webinar will explore the basics of the Watch Me Play! model which has been developed by Dr Jenifer Wakelyn, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist and colleagues at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust over many years. The model explores the advantages that result from regular sessions of play for babies and young children in care or those who have left care.

Past event

Exploring Expertise: Bright Spots Programme


The Bright Spots Programme, supports local authorities to systematically listen to their children in care and care leavers, about the things that are important to them. The session will be delivered by Dr Claire Barker, Coram Voice.

Past event

Learning from case reviews in Adoption, Fostering and SGO cases


This event will give workers attending an overview of the key points of learning from research. It will also provide an opportunity to reflect on changes to be made to reduce the risk of significant harm to looked after children, those living with special guardians and adopted children.

Past event

Wellbeing for Professionals


Wellbeing for Professionals sessions will offer an opportunity to meet and share experiences with professionals from across the country, as well as a pause for reflection. The sessions will be led by therapeutic social worker Hedwig Verhagen.

Past event

Learning from Research Webinar: Securing Safety


Securing Safety is a research project that explored the rate, cost and experience of the relocation of adolescents exposed to or at risk of extra familial harm. In this webinar you will learn about this important research and its implications for local practice and policy from Dr Lauren Wroe, Assistant Professor (Research) and Dr Delphine Peace, Research Assistant at Durham University.

Past event

Therapeutic Interventions: Making the right choices


This half day course is aimed at professionals who work with children and families who may benefit from a therapeutic intervention and would like to increase their understanding of different therapeutic approaches.

Past event

Sibling Assessments: Beyond, together or apart


This open course will offer a comprehensive approach to undertaking sibling assessments. It will explore who the key contributors to sibling assessments are and how assessors can plan assessments and engage these contributors in the process. Most importantly it will explore how to gain the views of the children, observe sibling interactions and draw conclusions on the quality of sibling relationships as well as focusing on the individual needs of each child and of the sibling group.

Past event

Wellbeing for Professionals: Using Objects work for reflective team meetings


Wellbeing for Professionals sessions will offer an opportunity to meet and share experiences with professionals from across the country, as well as a pause for reflection. The sessions will be led by therapeutic social worker Hedwig Verhagen.

Past event