Adopting a brother or sister
Why are we adopting? Where do adopted children come from? Will Mum and Dad be too busy to take as much notice of me as before? These and other questions on adopting a brother or sister and what it means are covered in this booklet for children and young people.
Colourful, vividly illustrated and presented in accessible and jargon-free language, this booklet provides an easily understandable introduction to the subject.
Adopting a brother or sister is part of CoramBAAF’s series of publications for children and young people, which aim to explain concepts in adoption and fostering that they may find difficult to understand.
Who is this book for?
Children in families that are planning to, or are about to, adopt another child.
What you will find in this book
Short, vividly illustrated and presented in accessible and jargon-free language, this booklet explains the concepts in simple terms. Short quizzes and quotes from children provide added interest. The booklet also includes useful addresses, and blank pages for agencies to add their own local information.
Hedi Argent is an independent adoption consultant, trainer and freelance writer. She has written and edited many books for CoramBAAF including Dealing with disruption and Kinship care, a guide for children.
This is a welcome book for any family considering adoption where there are already children in the family and it provides a valuable preparation tool for parents and social workers to work with a child to talk around potential issues…This book provides a good platform from the initial idea of what adoption is and why families adopt…Overall this book is excellent in terms of what it covers.
Claire Friday (adoptive parent, author and Adoption UK Support Manager), Adoption Today
The booklet sets out to explain in everyday language how adoption works, as well as the different types of families it works in…It is a lovely, un-intrusive booklet to share with young children before and during the adoption process.
Valerie Jackson, www.childrenwebmag.com