Thinking about fostering?
| Henrietta Bond
Packed with essential information and advice, this book provides a realistic and honest insight into what it means to look after other people’s children and provide a safe and supportive home.
| Henrietta Bond
Packed with essential information and advice, this book provides a realistic and honest insight into what it means to look after other people’s children and provide a safe and supportive home.
| Marjorie Morrison
This guide is designed to help social workers to manage and complete a comprehensive and evidence-based adoption and permanence report for a looked after child. It is to be used by assessing social workers to complete CoramBAAF’s Child’s Adoption and Permanence Report (CAPR) for Scotland (launched in 2015 to replace Form E).
| CoramBAAF
This Advice Note explores the different options available for those looking after children in a kinship care situation, including special guardianship orders, kinship foster care and adoption.
| The Alternatives to Custody Project – Europe
This book is one of the main outcomes of a two-year pan-European project on developing intensive and remand fostering programmes for young people in conflict with the law, who might otherwise be in custody.
| Julie Selwyn, Sarah Meakings and Dinitha Wijedasa
For a minority of families, the adoption journey can be fraught with difficulty and, in some cases, results in the child moving out of their adoptive home prematurely. For many years, the rate of adoption disruption has been subject to significant speculation. Finally, this ground-breaking research provides authoritative information on how many adoptions disrupt, and why.
| Elsbeth Neil, Mary Beek and Emma Ward
Contact after adoption presents the comprehensive findings of a longitudinal study that followed up a group of adopted children, their adoptive parents and birth relatives, where some form of post-adoption contact was planned. This study makes an important contribution to the existing research on contact and offers invaluable practice recommendations.
| Elsbeth Neil, Mary Beek and Emma Ward
Decisions about contact between an adopted child and their birth family are an essential part of the child’s placement plan and need to take into account the child’s welfare. It is therefore essential to understand how contact affects adopted children throughout their lives. This short book presents a summary of the findings of the Contact after Adoption study, which followed up a group of adopted children, their adoptive parents and birth relatives, where some form of post-adoption contact was planned.
| Paul Adams
This Good Practice Guide has been developed alongside assessment forms for dogs and other pets, and provides advice on completing these forms, with samples included for guidance. It will be helpful in assisting fostering services and adoption agencies to develop carefully considered, logical and proportionate policies in relation to dogs and other pets.
| Helen Cosis Brown
This pioneering and informative Good Practice Guide sets out the process and practicalities and makes recommendations for good practice for foster carer reviews. It makes an invaluable contribution towards establishing good, evidence-based practice.
| Shefali Shah
This clear, concise guide supports practitioners and professionals by detailing recent changes in the law, including the Children and Families Act 2014, Family Justice Review and Fostering for Adoption. More importantly, it also explores how these changes are being applied in practice to meet children’s needs and reduce delay.