Working together for children in care
CoramBAAF is the UK’s leading membership organisation for professionals working across adoption, fostering and kinship care.
More about usWhat's new
Undertaking a Kinship Assessment: A guide to collecting and analysing information for Form K (England)
Undertaking a Kinship Assessment is designed to help social workers to manage and complete a comprehensive and evidence-based assessment of kinship carers/connected people/family and friends who wish to foster or be special guardians to a known child or children. It is to be used by assessing social workers to complete this assessment using the CoramBAAF Form K for England, a new edition of which was published in 2025.
Register your interestAdoption & Fostering journal #12 | Child to parent violence and aggression with Dr Morvwen Duncan and Hetty Verhagen
Dr Dennis Golm hosts a conversation between Dr Morvwen Duncan and Hetty Verhagen about child to parent violence and aggression. They combine their research, practice and experiences of working with children and their families to explore the topic.
Listen hereAdoption Support Plan (2025): a new comprehensive tool to support children and their families
We are thrilled to publish the new Adoption Support Plan (ASP) England. The ASP and accompanying guidance for social workers, Independent Reviewing Officers (IROs), and adopters have been developed by CoramBAAF building on work completed by Adoption England and feedback gained through a pilot of the form by five RAAs during 2024 and consultations with Adoption UK and relevant CoramBAAF forums.
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Learning from Research: In their own words - care experienced young people on local and national policy
27 February | 11.30am - 1pm | Zoom
The National Leaving Care Benchmarking Forum & Young People’s Benchmarking Forum consists of over 130 local authority leaving care teams, working together to share good practice & improve services & support for care experienced young people. At the heart of the National Leaving Care Benchmarking Forum (NLCBF), the aim is to ensure that the voices of care experienced young people are heard loud and clear, as well as to help shape the decisions and priorities of the forum.

Exploring Expertise: Lifelong Links - creating lasting support networks for children in care
11 March| 11.30am - 1pm | Zoom
Lifelong Links is an innovative initiative developed by Family Rights Group that connects children in care and care leavers with individuals who care about them. Recent research conducted revealed a critical flaw in the care and child welfare system. When children enter care, many important relationships are disrupted. They may be separated from their siblings, moved to new schools, or relocated far from family and friends. Lifelong Links is dedicated to reversing this trend.

Exploring Expertise: Learning from experience in overseas placement
20 March | 12pm – 1pm | Zoom
In this session, we will be joined by Lead Practitioner Alison Wheeler who will share her experience of placing a child in Australia from Brighton and Hove Council on a Special Guardianship Order. Covering all aspects from viability to placement, we will explore the challenges practitioners face in a real-world setting and how to navigate them successfully.
Starter packs for newly qualified social workers
To help newly qualified social workers, or those that want to refresh their knowledge, we have created a fostering and adoption starter pack. You will receive our top selling titles at a discounted price.
Fostering starter pack
Get 'Fostering now', 'Making good assessments', and 'The child's legal journey through care' for £35 (usually £49.90).
Find out moreAdoption starter pack
Get 'Adoption now', 'Making good assessments', and 'The child's legal journey through care' for £40 (usually £54.90).
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