CoramBAAF Bookshop

Displaying 161 - 170 of 202

Helping birth families

| Elsbeth Neil, Jeanette Cossar, Paula Lorgelly and Julie Young

This research study explores and evaluates the growing area of adoption support of birth families where a child has been adopted. It is based on data collected from eight agencies providing independent support services to birth relatives, and from interviews with 73 birth relatives with recent experience of losing a child to adoption.

Pathways to permanence for black, Asian and mixed ethnicity children

| Julie Selwyn, David Quinton, Perlita Harris, Dinithi Wijedasa, Shameem Nawaz and Marsha Wood

This pioneering study explores the care pathways of minority ethnic children in three authorities in England, and considers possible differences in decision making and outcomes for them, in comparison with white children, especially in relation to permanence. This study raises key questions about our understanding of ethnicity and culture and how these are reflected in and affect social work practice.

When Daisy met Tommy

| Jules Belle

Published as part of the Our Story series, this is the story of how Daisy and her parents adopted Tom. Although written by her mother, it is really six-year-old Daisy’s adoption story - reflecting her feelings about the family's decision to adopt Tom, bringing them vividly to life.

Promoting resilience

| Robbie Gilligan

This bestselling guide contains inspirational ideas and suggestions for promoting resilience in day-to-day work with children and young people in care, adopted or in need.

Ten top tips on supporting adopters

| Jeanne Kaniuk

The Ten Top Tips series considers some of the fundamental themes in child care practice in concise, practical guides ideal for busy practitioners. This book explores some of the underpinning principles on which a successful support service for adopters depends.

Ten top tips on making introductions

| Lindsey Dunbar

The Ten Top Tips series considers some of the fundamental themes in child care practice in concise, practical guides ideal for busy practitioners. This book considers the roles of all involved, including the birth family and other children, as well as the purpose of introductions and will help workers to plan and manage good introductions.

Policy and practice implications from the English and Romanian Adoptees (ERA) Study

| Michael Rutter, Celia Beckett, Jennifer Castle, Jana Kreppner, Suzanne Stevens and Edmund Sonuga-Barke

The English Romanian Adoptees (ERA) study is a remarkable exploration of the experiences of children whose early lives in Romanian institutions were unimaginably poor and who were then adopted into English families with all the material, emotional and social advantages that this brings. This publication summarises the policy and practice implications of this internationally known study.