Thinking about fostering?
Do you feel like you have space in your life to look after a child or a group of brothers and sisters? Are you unsure whether you could foster, or even what the process entails? Do you want to know more about the kind of children who need foster placements? Then this book is for you.
Packed with essential information and advice, Thinking about fostering? provides a realistic and honest insight into what it means to look after other people’s children and provide a safe and supportive home.
It explores everything a prospective foster carer needs to know about fostering and what it involves, including the steps involved in becoming a foster carer, the types of children who need to be fostered, why they need a foster home, what happens when a child moves in, and the emotional and practical realities of living together as a foster family.
Brought to life with the experiences of foster carers and fostered children, who explain how fostering has changed their lives, this book will give you all the necessary information to help you decide whether fostering is for you.
Who is this book for?
Anyone who is thinking about fostering in the UK and wants to find out more.
What you will find in this book
This book covers the following topics:
- Why children need fostering
- Different types of fostering
- Who can become a foster carer?
- What sort of people make good foster carers?
- Approaching a fostering service
- Preparation and assessment
- Being a foster carer
- Caring for children in your home
- Your role and responsibilities as a foster carer
- If things get difficult
- Children’s feelings about being in foster care
- Getting practical: money and careers
- The law, regulations and requirements
- What happens when children can’t go home?
- The rewards of fostering
Below is an extract taken from the book:
‘We can get this idea that as foster carers we have to get it right, all the time. That we should somehow always know what to do, that if we admit we don’t know of we’ve got a problem, that the service won’t use us any more – but that’s ridiculous. Every child is different and you’re always coming across new situations, so you will make mistakes. We’re only human and it’s best to admit that, and ask for help if you need it.' Adrian, foster carer
Henrietta Bond is a writer, coach and communications consultant who has worked in the field of adoption, fostering and leaving care for nearly 30 years. She has written a number of guides and her trilogy of novels for teenagers, Control freak, Losing control and Remote control, came out of her close work with children and young people.
This title is now available in digital-only format for immediate access. Purchases are held in your own personalised online library and accessed via your browser or through the app on your phone or tablet.
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Such a useful book! I didn't know much about how you go about fostering, but this book sets it out in an understandable way. It tells you everything you need to know and loads about what fostering is actually like. And there's some good quotes from people who've done it themselves.
Five stars, Amazon review