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Education - Adoption & Fostering special edition

Edited by Sonia Jackson (31.1, Spring 2007)

This special issue of the journal is guest edited by Sonia Jackson, editor of Nobody Ever Told Us School Mattered (BAAF, 2001) and a leading researcher and writer in the field. It focuses on the education of looked-after children and how and where they are supported or – more often – failed by “the system”. It features articles from England, Scotland and Australia. Themes include: the role of social pedagogy in foster care; education and self-reliance among care leavers; the work of Our Place, a special centre promoting the educational achievement of looked after and adopted children; and the views of adoptive parents.

Adoption & Fostering is the only quarterly peer-reviewed journal dedicated to adoption and fostering issues. Over the years, it has gained an international reputation as one of the world’s leading sources of knowledge for academics, practitioners and all those concerned with childcare practice and research. Edited by Roger Bullock, Adoption & Fostering is published by SAGE on behalf of the CoramBAAF Adoption & Fostering Academy.


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With articles that inform, challenge and inspire, Adoption & Fostering plays a key part in informing best practice in children’s services.

Kate Cairns, social worker, teacher, trainer and author, Attachment, Trauma and Resilience